Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dear Ex Husband....

Dear ex-husband,

I understand that you are low on cash. I also understand, though I find it unbelievably stupid, that you and your child of a girlfriend are expecting a baby in just a few weeks. What I cannot understand is how you knew your son's birthday was coming up, yet, not only could you not be a part of his birthday party in any way, you couldn't even be bothered to actually spend his birthday with him in a productive way. No twelve-year-old should come home making excuses for his father:

"Dad couldn't get me a birthday present, because he had to fill his girlfriend's prescription."
"Dad and I didn't really do anything together on my birthday except for talk a little bit, because he was tired."
(Even though dad couldn't be bothered to spend time with him) "Dad said I couldn't have anybody over, because that was his time to spend with me for my birthday."

I find it so disheartening that you are bringing another child into this world when you can't take care of the child you have, not to mention that you are doing this with a woman you don't want to be with in the first place.


Your ex-wife


Dear Ex-Husband, Please refrain from texting me about you getting a hummer from Mexicunt and her new girlfriend. And about how you want your old girlfriend back. I dont care. And neither does she. Love, your Ex-Wife


Dear ex-husband,
If I had any doubt in my mind as to why I left you, it was resolved last Christmas. I graciously agreed to transport the gifts you continue to purchase for MY family to our holiday gathering in Mississippi. Upon opening my trunk, I realized that you had wrapped the entire family's gifts in some cartoonish Star Wars wrapping paper. There's a difference between being a fan of the movie and being freakishly wierd about it...I foolishly thought that my ending our marriage due to your immaturity might kinda give you a clue, however, it appears I was sadly mistaken. Thanks for reaffirming my decision to leave was the right one!! And by the way, you've stop bothering my brother and his wife for their attention. Go bother your OWN family!! May the force be with you...dumbass!!!

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